How Often Should Building Inspections Be Conducted in Florida?

The recertification of the Florida building code has brought about a significant change in the inspection date for buildings that are 30 years old or older. Instead of 40 years, inspections must now take place every 10 years. Structural inspections are now mandatory for condominium and cooperative buildings that are three stories or more tall. In the event of substantial structural deterioration, a board of county commissioners can adopt an ordinance requiring a condo or cooperative association to schedule or begin repairs within a specified time frame after the local law enforcement agency receives a phase two inspection report.

Such repairs must begin within 365 days of receiving the report. It is important to note that all buildings 40 years old or older must continue with the established inspection program. This is to ensure that all buildings meet the safety standards set by the Florida building code. Regular inspections are essential for any building, regardless of age. They help to identify any potential issues and allow for timely repairs to be made.

This helps to ensure that all buildings are safe and up to code. Property owners should be aware of the inspection requirements in their area and ensure that their buildings are inspected regularly. This will help to ensure that all buildings meet the safety standards set by the Florida building code.